Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

12 Steps from Trauma to Inner Freedom and Creating your Dream Life

Break free from abuse, take control, heal and start thriving in Your life

Abuse shaped the victim I was. I shape the survivor I am.

From Wikipedia – Signs and symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorders

“People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are characterized by the personality traits of persistent grandiosity, an excessive need for admiration, and a personal disdain and lack of empathy for other people. As such, the person with NPD usually displays arrogance and a distorted sense of personal superiority and seeks to establish abusive power and control over others. Self-confidence (a strong sense of self) is a personality trait different from the traits of NPD; thus, people with NPD typically value themselves over others, to the extent of openly disregarding the wishes and feelings of anyone else, and expect to be treated as superior, regardless of their actual status or achievements. Socially, the person with NPD usually exhibits a fragile ego (self-concept), intolerance of criticism, and a tendency to belittle other people, to validate their own feelings of superiority.”

Did you know that only around 1% of Narcissists get diagnosed? Simply because they believe there is nothing wrong with them and therefore are not interested in seeking help. The point is that seeking help from a psychotherapist requires some willingness to be vulnerable, and so true narcissists could not go to therapy because they couldn’t manage the anxiety, sadness, and even rage that would come up if they were to expose their true selves to a therapist.

Simply put, true narcissists have zero interest in introspection or self-improvement.

Their guiding principle: Never, ever let your guard down.

The hope is that you come to a better understanding of how the superiority displayed by narcissists is actually a mask – a psychological defence – hiding the underlying root of the problem: The narcissist cannot tolerate being vulnerable. Once you understand that, you can ask yourself an important question:

What kind of a relationship can I have with a person who can’t be vulnerable with me?

Narcissistic abuse was originally defined as a specific form of emotional abuse of children by narcissistic parents. This is heart-breaking on so many levels. More recently, the term has been applied more broadly, referring to any abuse by a narcissist (someone who admires their own attributes)—especially adult-to-adult relationships, where the abuse may be mental, physical, financial, spiritual, or sexual.

Have you been the victim of Narcissistic Abuse? Do you need tools to deal with Narcissistic Abuse?

This abuse is not limited to a romantic relationship, it could also be (as mentioned above) from your parents, other family member/s, siblings, a work colleague or a boss, a teacher, even friends, anyone in an authoritative position.

Narcissism has been more in the spotlight in recent years, and yet there are still many misconceptions and misunderstanding about what it is. Those who have been through Narcissistic Abuse tend to agree: it destroys your body, mind, and your soul, your life, your self-esteem, your sanity, your health, your friendships, your support network, your other relationships, your self-worth, it can feel like you are losing your grip on your sanity!

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5), the handbook therapists use to diagnose personality disorders, identifies the nine traits that make up a Narcissistic Personality Disorder. While the DSM does not break down NPD into subtypes (and therefore these are not official diagnoses), others have identified various types of narcissists. It can be helpful to recognize them so you can steer clear the next time you encounter these traits in a potential partner.

  1. The Overt Type

Known as grandiose narcissism, this is what we typically think of when we talk about a narcissist. These people are usually extroverted, grandiose, aggressive, and attention-seeking. They can be very charming and typically expect special treatment. They can be predatory in their ability to see vulnerability in others and use it against them. They are highly competitive and are willing to humiliate others to gain a perceived win.

  1. The Covert Type

Sometimes referred to as “narcissistic vulnerability,” this type of person tends to be passive-aggressive but comes across as very helpless. They tend to present themselves as victims and are quick to cry or stage a crisis to gain attention. They also tend to struggle with anxiety and or depression.

  1. The Hypervigilant Type

These types of narcissists tend to be highly sensitive to the body language, facial reactions, tone, and reactions of others. They tend to take things personally and be hypersensitive to criticism. They are prone to feeling shame or humiliation and can be self-effacing. They are likely to direct action towards others and prefer not to be the centre of attention.

  1. The Oblivious Type

While most narcissists are unaware of the feelings of others, this type is known for being completely lacking in awareness and sensitivity towards others. They are missing that sensitivity chip. They are self-absorbed, arrogant, aggressive, and need to be the centre of attention.

  1. The Exhibitionist Type

The need for constant attention is like a bottomless pit for these people. They think they are better than others physically and intellectually. They look down on others, even their friends and family. They are very status conscious and materialistic. They think they are very special and have an enormous need to be admired all the time.

  1. The Sexual Type

The sexual narcissist feels entitled to have their sexual needs met. They have a self-centred view of sex and tend to not be skilled at emotional intimacy and therefore are not very interested in their partner’s needs. They frequently overestimate their skills in the bedroom because they are not very tuned into their partners. Yet, they need and expect a lot of praise for their performance in bed. They react poorly to sexual rejection. They expect sex in return for gifts or nice gestures and will pressure, trick, or manipulate you into having sex with them. They feel entitled to get sex elsewhere if you do not meet their sexual requirements, regardless of your agreement about monogamy.

  1. The Malignant Type

This dangerous type of personality disorder is really a cross between narcissistic personality disorder and what mental health practitioners call antisocial personality disorder. This means that they cannot feel empathy. They are what pop psychology calls a ‘psychopath’ or ‘sociopath’. These aggressive, hostile, paranoid people are sadistic and dehumanizing to those around them. Many experts believe that Adolf Hitler was a malignant narcissist. This is the most dangerous type of narcissist and if you think you might be dating one, run for the hills. This type of person will hurt you physically, emotionally, financially, sexually and not bat an eye or have any remorse.

Are you desperate for Inner freedom, Independence and tools to recover from the abuse?

Are you searching to find your Inner Strength, Inner peace, and Freedom?

Are you seeking Self-development, growth, understanding yourself better?

Healing from Narcissistic Abuse is possible and yes, you are powerful enough to reach your dreams and thrive in your life!

Silhouette of a person with broken chains in their hands standing atop a mountain, facing a sunrise or sunset with a panoramic view of mountain peaks and clouds—a powerful symbol for narcissistic abuse recovery.

From personal experience I can honestly say, yes, it can be debilitating, and yes, you can break free.

Can you relate to these negative, sometimes debilitating feelings and emotions caused by Narcissistic Abuse?

No one understands I am alone in this You feel rejected
Hijacked mentally & emotionally Suicidal thoughts Anxiety
Depression Excessive neediness I feel invisible
Discounted or not worthy My feelings are invalidated My beliefs/feelings are dismissed
I am doubting my own sanity I am living in the twilight zone I doubt my self-worth
I doubt my reality I feel ashamed of my life My life is chaotic
I feel disorientated Feels like I’m the one going crazy I feel brain-washed
I feel numb and disassociated I suffer from memory loss This person is gaslighting me
Suffering from PTSD Suffering from C-PTSD (Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) MDD (Major Depressive Disorder)
I feel isolated Injustice towards me and my children Feeling controlled & Manipulated
Adrenal fatigue or burn-out Fybromyalgia I am always apologizing
I never feel good enough I feel misunderstood My self-confidence is ruined
Struggling with weight loss/gain Uncharacteristic jealousy/insecurity Struggling to differentiate between right & wrong
Endless, repetitive, obsessive thinking about your ex Being trauma bonded to this person Overwhelmed by feelings of loss and grief
Extreme bouts of rage Uncharacteristic mood swings Strange dreams or I stopped dreaming
Sudden inexplicable anxiety followed by rapid dips into depression Feelings of inferiority Insomnia
I can not speak my truth Nothing I say or do, or don’t say or do is ever right for this person Gaslighting is a covert aggressive way of distorting another person’s perception of reality to the point that that person questions their sanity or their memory.
Financial abuse Sexual abuse Psychological warfare

I know and understand that it feels like you’re living in the Twilight Zone when you are exposed to Narcissistic abuse and Gaslighting (and even after the relationship has ended) you have these thoughts and nightmares keeping you awake at night and affecting your daily existence, relationships, work, and your health.

Can you relate to the insecurity feelings and let’s be honest, downright FEAR?

  • Feeling like it’s a never-ending cycle of abuse with no way out
  • Feeling like you are the one doing the wrong things all the time
  • Feeling you are not good enough no matter what you do
  • Doubting yourself and your sanity
  • Feeling like you’re losing your mind
  • Fear of the future
  • Fear of not making it
  • Extreme paranoia (being turned into an obsessive detective)
  • Fear of never having a normal relationship
  • Fear of losing your job or career
  • Fear of losing your children
  • Fear of losing your home
  • Feeling isolated with no support
  • Constantly trying to find explanations for what has happened
  • No self-worth or confidence
  • Feelings of helplessness and despair
  • An inability to be comfortable with yourself

Instead of living in debilitating fear and with no life energy, no goals, and no hope – LOOK at what is available on the other side of Transformation when you are ready and committed to investing 16 hours into your NEW LIFE!

  • Inner Peace and Freedom
  • Silencing your Inner Conflict (the mental war in our minds)
  • Self-worth and Self-Confidence
  • Knowing you are not crazy
  • Creating an independent life
  • Letting go of fears
  • Releasing negative emotions and beliefs
  • Embracing yourself with love and kindness and healing yourself back to wholeness, one layer at a time.
  • Moving beyond your past and stepping into your beautiful and powerful potential
  • Mental strength and freedom – recovering from the mind games and psychological damage these individuals inflict
  • Independence

What will you gain from Transformation Coaching and Negative Emotional Therapy with me, Your Coach?

The complete Transformation package takes 16 hours of Coaching, with homework, self-discovery, and goal-setting between sessions, to empower you immediately and on-going, the success is dependant on how invested and committed

You are to Creating your new reality

  • Understanding how your mind actually works
  • How you are shaped through your life experiences
  • How beliefs and habits are formed
  • How life’s journey can leave us feeling shackled and stuck
  • The power of the Conscious and Subconscious Mind and their functions
  • Understanding and finding what your values are in life
  • Personal Growth and Empowerment
  • Letting go of emotional problems
  • Resolving traumas & the effects that the trauma has caused in your life
  • Letting go of Anxiety problems/disorders
  • Reprogramming a person’s old Self-Image with a new Empowering Self-Image
  • Resolving Low self-esteem problems and the root causes contributing to it
  • Boost and increase Self-confidence in all areas of life
  • Boosting personal perception about Self
  • Boosting and increasing Positive self-beliefs
  • Boosting Current self-love to Unconditional love for Self
  • Anger Therapy /Management – Letting go of all the root causes causing the anger problems
  • Depression – Letting go of all root causes causing the depression
  • Stop Procrastination
  • Resolving any Inner Conflicts – any mental (mind chatter) or emotional tug of war, going on in the mind.
  • Resolving & letting go of Social Anxiety
  • Letting go of all Limiting and Negative Beliefs about oneself, life, and your capabilities.
  • Stress Management and Balance
  • Help to recover from severe Burnout, and letting go of all the root causes
  • Motivation and Inspiration
  • Helping with getting Direction and Mentorship
  • Setting goals and achieving them with a proven system
  • Gratitude Journal

My experiences – as an Empath I used to attract those types of people before I unshackled myself and regained my inner freedom. I stopped putting others first after my body completely collapsed 5 years ago and I committed to save myself and focus on creating the life I desire and deserve.

Using the correct Tools and Therapies in this Transformation Programme, we break the chains holding you back, releasing past trauma, negative emotions, and limiting beliefs, building that bridge to your dream reality, and giving you the tools to fly with self-confidence to your destination. I am on a continuous journey of self-growth, ongoing research, and further self-development as a Coach, as it is a crucial part of improving my service to you to ensure phenomenal results.